Friday, May 16, 2008

Giving LIFE to Life

Coming back to the main point....if u dont take a decision now, probably u never shall take one. Its time you take control of reins and this being the time u have to be risk-embracing, nothing to lose, dare to dream, dream the best, do what u like the best for .......... life is greatest only wen u live it your way, let the steps u take not only be a means of achievement for you, let it be a guiding path for you in the future........... u did something like that man followed your heart...... Go win it, even if u lose matter be happy that u tried...... but only after giving your best without expecting much in return.......Life is different for everyone.......... u set your targets must achieve them.........Remember u dont have the right to feel sad..... for its like a addiction u get into it, go further into it........remain stops u from growing strong in life, it prevents u from dreaming (forget dreaming big) dream big, n without being sad achieve bigger.for life is a dream, u wake up when you are through.

1 comment:

DK said...

Hey, Good One Man
defi, there is nothing like literally living through every moment